Koleksi Mimpi di Mahligai Merah, Perpustakaan Universiti Malaya
Dream of the Red Chamber Research Collection, UM Library
Dream of the Red Chamber is a celebrated Chinese classical novel noted for its noble ideas and aesthetic values. This literary masterpiece has generated significant intellectual interest and research, with a new discipline created, namely, “Redology”, devoted solely to its study. In 2016, Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy donated his 40 years of a worldwide collection of the novel in order to establish a “Dream of the Red Chamber Research Collection” in the library of his alma mater University of Malaya.
This is a rich compilation of the Dream of the Red Chamber with many types of manus, representing more than 10 different languages and 20 various translations. Since the inception of “Redology” many works related to the Red Chamber have been published and produced, including research materials related to Cao Xueqin and academic dissertations from Malaysia and Singapore. The age of this collection spans over 200 years, from as early as the Jia Qing period (Qing Dynasty, 1796-1820) to the present times.
In addition to the out-of-print copies of the Red Chamber, Tan Sri Chan Kong Choy will also donate classical Chinese paintings and cultural relics related to “Redology”, to be displayed in the centre. With the establishment of this research collection at the University of Malaya, Malaysia will become one of the main centres for the study of the Dream of the Red Chamber, providing enthusiasts of this classical novel a platform to conduct intellectual exchange and research.
《红楼梦》作为一部著名的中国古典小说,其高度思想与艺术价值历来引起许多讨论及研究,因此构成一门学问——“红学” 。2016 年,校友丹斯里陈广才将自己40多年从世界各地搜集而来的红楼梦藏书捐赠予母校图书馆,倡设“红楼梦资料中心”,期望以珍贵的资料为基础将马大发展成区域红学研究中心,推动红楼梦研究在东南亚的发展。

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