马来西亚马来亚大学文学暨社会科学院将于在2021年12月4-5日主办2021年世界海外华人研究学会亚太区域研讨会。本次研讨会由世界海外华人研究学会(ISSCO)、台湾师范大学、中山大学、马来亚大学中文系和马来亚大学马来西亚华人研究中心联合主办。此研讨会主题为“新冠疫情对亚太区域华人的影响与其他关于海外华人的主题” 。详情如下:
日期 :2021年12月4-5日(星期六至日)
时间 :9am-5pm / 9am-2pm
地点 :ZOOM视讯会议,免费
会议号 :910 0347 4898
会议密码 :4R04z4
登录链接 :https://zoom.us/j/91003474898?pwd=UU5jNFJDZ012ZjlsZi9EV0tTL1VpZz09
* (中英文场次将在分组会议室同步进行,与会者可自由选择属意场次)
马来亚大学马来西亚华人研究中心、马大中文系 敬邀
The Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Universiti Malaya is proud to organise the 2021 ISSCO Asia Pacific Regional Conference on 4-5 December 2021. The conference is jointly organised with the International Society for the Study of the Chinese Overseas (ISSCO), National Taiwan Normal University and Sun Yat-Sen University along with the Department of Chinese Studies and the Malaysian Chinese Research Centre at Universiti Malaya. The conference’s theme is, “Effects of Covid on the Chinese Diaspora in the Asia-Pacific and other themes on Chinese Overseas”. Below are the details:
2021 ISSCO Asia Pacific Regional Conference
Date : 4-5 December, 2021 (Saturday & Sunday)
Time : 9am-5pm / 9am-2pm
Venue : Online Zoom Platform (Free Admission)
Meeting ID : 910 0347 4898
Passcode : 4R04z4
* (The Chinese and English Panel will be carried out simultaneously in the different breakout rooms as well. Participants will be able to choose breakout rooms freely.)
This conference is open to public. Those who are interested are welcome to attend our conference via online platform.
Here attached the schedule of this conference.
Thank you and see you soon.
Malaysian Chinese Research Centre (MCRC), UM
Department of Chinese Studies, FASS, UM